Eric Rohr
PhD Student at MPIA

Hi, I'm Eric Rohr, a fellow of the International Max Planck Research School for Astronomy and Cosmic Physics in Heidelberg, Germany. I work at the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy in the galaxies and cosmology theory group, led by Annalisa Pillepich, and collaborate closely with Dylan Nelson's group at the Institute for Theroetical Astrophysics at Heidelberg University. Please check out the other tabs for information about my research, my CV, or me. Don't hesitate to reach out! My contact infomation is at the CONTACT tab.

I'm interested in all reasearch topics related to galaxy evolution, (magneto-)hydrodynamic simulations, and pretty much everything involving numerical techniques. I specialize in analyzing outputs from cosmological simulations such as the IllustrisTNG and TNG-Cluster simulations, namely in following the evolution of gas parcels in and around galaxies. More recently I've been developing my own idealized simulations in AREPO, and I will continue developing these during my bridge postdoc in Heidelberg. I also have experience working with the outputs from the FIREbox simulations from the Feedback in Realistic Environment collaboration and in developing a general relativistic photon propagator for the monte carlo radiative transfer module in Athena++. For more information on these projects, please check out the RESEARCH tab.

Beyond research, my bigget hobbies involing burning as many calories as possible, followed by the replenishment of those calories. Bonus points when I can combine these together. My go-to vehicles of choice are running to the tops of mountains, cycling as far away from home as possible, or generally any activity that lets me spend time outside with friends. Naturally these are typically accompanied by the devourment of vegetarian cuisine and consumption of appropriate beverages. Since moving to Heidelberg, I've taken up learning German, also ich bin immer froh, auf Deutsch zu reden. Check out the ABOUT tab for more on my hobbies and me.